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About Me
Innaiah Narisetti Ph.D.
Chairman,Committee on Child Abuse by Religions:International Humanist and Ethical Union
National Executive Committee Member,Indian Radical Humanist Association
Vice-President, Rationalist Association of India
President,Radical HUmanist Association,A.P(1990-1995)
Seminars conducted on behalf of Committee for Cultural Freedom.
worked with Mavin Kurve(times of India),Govindarajan (Journalism Osmania University) Dr.Thirtha(college of education) V.K.Bawa administrative officer in Asian Studies, V.B.Raju as chairman of Asian Studies.
Associated with:
V.B.Karnik, G.R.Dalvi(administrative staff college hyderabad),Dr sivaiah(did ph.d on m n roy)
Agehananda Bhaarati:
I met him in India during late 1980's. invited him to deliver lecuters
on the occasion of M N Roy Centenary celebrations. He gave lectures in
Osmania University, A.P.Open University.
I translated his controversial autobiography Ochre Robe into telugu
which was serialised in Andhra Prabha telugu daily.
Another translaltion of mine was published by Telugu Akademy entitled
"Great Tradition and Little Traditions".
I also visited Syracuse university in USA where he taught cultural
anthropology. His department published his works and bibliography
Paul Kurtz
I met him several times in USA. Traslated his book The Courage To
Become intoTelugu.
Written about him in Telugu Rationalist magazines.
Visited Prometheus Books, Center for Inquiry and met paul kurtz where I
could discuss with him various aspects.
AB Shah
Worked with him for two decades in secular and humanist field.
Organised many seminars, symposia and meetings in Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh
towns where A BShah spoke. Translated his works Scientific Method,
Essays into Telugu.
A B Shah participated in the study camp at Avanigadda of Andhra Pradesh
in 1965 where humanist principles were discussed. He questioned some
basic principles of M N Roy which I translated into Telugu.
Also worked with him in the committee for cultural freedom.
Ellen Johnson
President of american Atheist Association
Met her and discussed. She and Ron Brown interviewed me for one hour which was
telecasted from Free TV Channels in USA 1999.The Interview was witnessed by Mr
Aramalla Purnachandra, humanist from New York.
Introduced Mr Ibn Warrak to Mr Ron Brown. Later Mr Ibn Warrak was invited to the
atheist conference.
My review article on Why I am not a Muslim(written by Ibn Warraq) was published
in American Atheist magazine(editor Zeindler)
Dr.Thomas Szasz
Famous humanist and critic of fradulant psychiatric practices in USA. Met him in
Syracuse and Washington DC. Introduced my daughter dr Naveena, child
psychiatrist to dr Szasz. His books and criticism was introduced to Telugu
readers through Misimi, Hetuvadi, telugu monthlies.
His thesis The Myth of Mental Illness is famous book.
Edd Doerr
President of American Humanist Association.
Met him several times, discussed humanist theory and practice. Participated
along with him in meetings of Unitarians, who are sympathetic to humanist cause
in USA.Edd Doerr is famous humanist speaker. Mr G R R babu and myself had the
benifit of meeting him in USA and discussed on various issues.
Edd Doerr is a crusador against anti secular attitude of religions. He published
several research articles, books.
Fred Edwards
Executive director of american humanist association. He visited India couple of
times and acquainted with Indian Humanists and atheists. He invited me and
Lavanam to Humanist conference at Detroit in 1994. Both of us addressed the
meeting.I visited Amherest and spent some time with Fred Edwords in 1992 and later met
him in Washington DC. Now the head quarters of american humanist association
shifted to capital city of USA.
Beth Lamonnt
Corliss Lamont was famous writer on humanism. His wife brought out 8th edition
of the philosophy of Humanism in 20002 with genderfree expression. It was
approved by late Lamont, it seems.
I met Ms beth Lamont in New York during May 20002 and discussed on various
humanist topics including child abuse by religions. She is representing humanist
cause in UNO NGO associaions and working for the promotion of human rights.
Kenneth Marsalak
Humanist from Baltimore, president of Secular Humanist Association Greater
Washington area for number of years. He is also activly associated with Center
for Inquiry executive board.
We became friends in 1992 and remained close humanist workers since
then.Together we visited Carl Sagan`s meetings in Washington DC.
Mr Kenneth paid special attention in child development.
I introduced Mr GRR Babu to him. the humanists of washington area were impressed
by Babu`s lectures.
Taslima Nasreen
The famous Bangla desh writer came to USA and we met her in Maryland university
where she addressed a small gathering. I introduced my wife Komala and my
daughter dr Naveena to her. Since then we remained friends. Later we met Taslima
in New York along with Warren Allen Smith and few other friends.
Taslima later settled in Sweden but we continued to know her activities
Officiated civil marriages in India(Andhra Pradesh)These weddings are secular.Earlier adopted the method of Tripuraneni Ramaswami,an iconoclast in Andhra.Later humanist method was adopted,without any religious orientation. The stress would be on oath taking by bride and bride groom. Music was always welcomed. Pompous expenditure discouraged.
speeches also discouraged except few words by some celebrities.
Nearly 100 marriages were officiated including Dr Gopi(former vice chancellor of Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University; Lenin and Bharadwaj( sons of Thammareddi Krishna Murthy, cine producer )Dr Jyothi ( now in Mary land, daughter of vasireddi veerabhadrarao) sons and daughters of Koneru Janardhanarao, Avula manjulatha (daughter of Avula Sambasivarao) along with Kondaveeti Venkatakavi jointly performed etc
Met and discussed with Ms Beth Lamont in New York may 2002 on child abuse, humanist organizations etc. She published degendered revised edition of Lamont`s Philosophy of Humanism.
Delivered lectures in Study camps of Rationalist, Humanist, secularist associations in India.
Participated in Humanist meetings and organisations in USA Attended All India Radical Humanist camps in Dehradun, Mussorie, Delhi, Bombay,Hyderabad, vijayawada, Madras
Corresponded with Scientist Carl Sagan, Philosopher Grunbaum, Paul Kurtz, Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz
Contributed articles in Encyclopedia Unbelief (prometheus Books amherst, USA)
Arranged lectures by Agehananda Bharati, professor of cultural anthropology syracuse university, USA at Hyderabad during M N Roy centenary celebrations.
WHO IS WHO IN HELL written by Warren Allen Smith mentioned Innaiah Narisetti prominently and also quoted his opinions. Innaiah`s information on M N Roy was also incorporated in the book.
Encyclopedia Unbelief edited by Gordon Stein published the article on Modern Indian Materialism written by Innaiah N in early 1980s.