Translations From
Innaiah Narisetti Ph.D. Translations from English to Telugu
The Truth about the Geeta--V.R Narla Gita is the holy book of Hindus. Narla VenkataeswaraRao studied this Ancient Book from all angles and came to the conclusion that it has Devastating effect on Hindus with Karma and re-birth,as well as degrading Caste system. Narla condemned this Scripture with all logic and Human angle. He advised Indian youth to discard Gita for the sake of their future.He exposed the inconsistencies, inaccuracies of the texts, timings and sayings. Narla detested the attitude of Gita towards women in particular. The Rationalist Association of India brought out this publication under HEMA from Chirala,A.P.India. Why I am not a Muslim--IBN Warraq(Hema Publishers) IBN Warraq in scholarly exposition brought out the criticism on Islam, Koran, Mohammad and the practices of Muslims in contemporary world. He discussed the consequences of banning Salmon Rushdie`s Satanic Verses. Prometheus Books, USA has done good service in bringing out this book which is the need of the hour. This is a thorough study of the dictotarial behaviour of Islamic Priests with the pretext of Islamic Law and Holy book. It also deeply observed the evil aim of Jihad. The author narrated how Muslim Priests oppose Human rights and values, undermine Human dignity of women. Telugu translation is first of its kind. Later other language translations followed.Hema Publishers of Chirala,A.P. published. Visit for my review article"Islam incompatible with human rights" spring 2000 vol 38 no2 India in transition -- M.N.Roy(Indian Council of Historical rearch) India in Transition was written by M.N.Roy in Moscow in 1922.It shows his understanding of Indian postion under British rule with clear perspective. Nurul Hassain, as minister of Education in government of India envisaged a project to get all progressive book on history to get into indian languages. Indian Council Of Historical Research Delhi selected India in Transition also. I translated it and Dr.C.NarayanaReddi was the editor for language.But ICHR did not print it. Still waiting publication. Articles -- A.B.Shah(Anupama,vijayawada) The founder of Secularist movement in India has written several articles discussing the need for seperation of State and Church for healthy public life. He exposed the fradulant nature of godmen like Puri Sankaracharya who preach the holiness of cow and sacrifice of wife when husband dies. These articles were translated for the first time in Telugu. Anupama Publishers in Vijayawada,A.P brought out this book and released early 1970s. Kala Poornodayam -- G.V.Krishna Rao (serialised in Golconda Patrika) Ph.D. Thesis on Aesthetics Humanist writer G.V.Krishna Rao got his Ph.D. from Madras University for the Thesis on Kalapoornodayam.This poem of Pingali Surana is unique in its theme and aesthetics. Krishna rao was only graduate but given permission to submit thesis in English. The examiners tried to stop him in getting the degree with silly reasons. Narla Venkateswararao, editor of Andhra Prabha daily from Madras intervened and warned the examiners with dire consequences if they put illogical hurdles in confiring the degree. They saw the point and yeilded.This critical study of aesthetical angle was translated and serialised in Golkonda Patrika Telugu daily from Hyderabad in early 1960s. The Courage to become:Humanist Virtues -- Paul Kurtz (Hema Publications) This book was translated in Telugu while the English edition came out of press. Humanists enjoyed this book. It deals with contemporary situations, encountered the postmodernist attacks and came out with sober alternatives of Humanist angle. Paul Kurtz put forth humanist values and practices in a masterly style and lucid manner.A guide for practice to Humanists.
Orchre Robe--Agehananda Bharati(Andhra Prabha) Autobiographical study of Agehananda Bharati resulted in banning of this book by government of India during late 1970s. Strong protests were made by writers like Kushwant Singh for banning such book. Ramakrishna Ashram pressurised the government for ban. This book exposed the shallow petty arguments and irrational contradictions of Vivekananda. Agehananda Bharati hailed from Germany, worked with Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose army in Europe,attracted to Indian culture, came to Independent India to join Ramakrishna Ashram. He was entrusted with editing of Vivekananda writings where he saw the narrow mindedness of Vivekananda. He wanted them to be published intact but the Ashram refused,lest the great Swami will be exposed naked before the intellectual world. Agehananda joined Sankara school, toured as pilgrim entire India on foot, saw rural life. He taught in universities at Benares, Delhi, visited Buddhist centers and finally settled down as professor of cultural anthropology at Syracuse University,USA. In India he met M.N.Roy in early 1950s at Dehra Dun and was impressed by his humanist thought.Bharati remained bachelor. He died late 1980s. In search of Freedom : M.N.Roy's life--S.B.NarayanRay (Telugu University) This serial on the early life of M.N.Roy was translated and published by Telugu University.S.B. Narayan Ray specialised on the life and thought of Roy. He toured USA and Mexico as well as Europe to gather research material on Roy. He also edited four volumes on M.N.Roy published by Oxford Publishers.Roy`s early life is adventurous and fascinating. Roy started as national terrorist against British rule in India, sought german arms in vain, left India to return only after 15 years. Meanwhile he landed in USA and married Evelyn, met Lala Lajpat rai, founded communist party in Mexico, attracted the attention of Lenin, participated in world communist movement as theoretician and practical leader. Author Dr.Innaiah addressing the Book releasing function in Telugu University, Hyderabad. In the picture seen here Dr.Indumati Parekh (Humanist Leader), Dr.Sivarama Murthy (Registrar, Telugu University), Sri Avula Sambasiva Rao (Chief Justice of AndhraPradesh High Court) Telugu Academy Publications: Parties,Power&Politics--M.N.Roy The speeches and articles of M.N.Roy were edited and compiled by his humanist wife Ellen. She was great admirer of her husband and followed him everywhere, took short hand notes of the speeches and preserved them carefully. The present book was arranged carefully to show the evolution of M.N.Roy as a Radical Democratic Party person who gradually abondoned the Partisan party attitude and moved into broad humanist movement with deep thought and scientific attitude. M.N.Roy explained the defects of political party system and pleaded for people`s movement. He also asked for ethics in politics which is woefully lacking in the present set up. Russian Revolution--M.N.Roy M.N.Roy was directly involved in the Russian Revolution. He played important role in international communist movement along with Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky and others. Roy studied the Russian revolution and presented his independent analysis in detail. His predictions of the revolution are remarkable. His historical perspective is amazing. Roy kept objectivity though involved in it. Telugu academy brought out this translation Revolution & Counter Revolution in China--M.N.Roy China is always enigma to political observers. M.N.Roy visited China twice, met top leaders, participated in Chinese communist movement as advisor. He was asked to guide Chinese Communist movement during late 1920s. After his return from China Roy wrote extensively about China starting the early days. Very lucid explanation of the historical events. Telugu ACademy published this translation. Reason,Romanticism & Revolution -- M.N.Roy M.N.Roy`s monumental theoritical work on Renaissance and Humanism. Erich From in his Sane Society highly recommends this book for proper understanding of Renaissance. Roy explained the failures of systems like Communism, Fascism and Liberalism. He discussed the alternatives and came to the conclusion based on the scientific evidence available-to humanism. He stressed on values especially FREEDOM as supreme value for man. Roy wrote these two volumes in the early 1950s just before his death in 1954. The translation was brought out by Telugu Academy. M.N.Roy:A Poloitical Biography--V.B. Karnik V.B.Karnik was close associate of M.N.Roy from 1930s. Karnik was Trade union leader and participated in Radical Democratic party and humanist movement. He wrote detailed biography of Roy with all available material at his disposal. This was first of its kind, though many details came to light after the publication of this volume. The translation was published by Telugu Academy, Hyderabad, India Stikes in India-- V.B.Karnik Karnik himself was Trade unionist in Bombay. He studied the strikes in detail from late 19th century till 1930s and gave detailed graphic picture of each one with its important role. he also described the impact of strikes, results that brought in by them. This translation was published by Telugu Acedemy, Hyderabad, India Indian Trade Unions--V.B.Karnik During British Regime political parties had trade union wings attached to their main political party. Some times the strength of the party is judege based on the trade union strength. Congress party started its early trade union, then followed by communist, socialist and M.N.Roy. Much details were given by Karnik. Inside stories are also discussed at length. The role of political leaders in the trade unions was clear in this picture. This translation was brought out by Telugu Academy, Hyderabad, India Islamic Philosophy -- Dr.Alam Kundmiri Alam Khundmiri was Professor of Philosophy in Osmania University. He was Seculrist and had rational approach to problems. He studied Islam in critical manner which is rare among muslims. The present book is simple explanation of Islamic thought which is useful for graduate students. the translation was brought out by telugu Academy,Hyderabad,India. Rural sociology in India by A.R.Desai One of the earliest studies of sociology in India. the field surveys are very good . they inspire the sociology students and researchers in india. the exhaustive book was brought out by telugu Academy,Hyderabad,India Scientific Method -- A.B.Shah Amritlal Bhikkubhai Shah popularly known as A.B.Shah published this book in early 1960s with remarkable clarity and examples. He gave importance to the social problems and ethics also from scientific point of view. M.N.Roy`s thesis on humanism also was discussed critically. A very good book for students at graduate level. It was published in telugu during early 1970s and ran into couple of editions. Great Traditions and little Traditions--Agehananda Bharati A scholarly study of Indian traditions, as observed by elite and common man. Some scripts are owned by upper castes while some are popular with middle class in India. While Vedas, Upanishads belong to great tradition, Mahabharata is the realm of popular traditon. Bharati says that the unique contribution of Indian thought is Yoga. He was very critical of Vivekananda for diluting the yoga thought into populistic gimmick. Bharati mixed his discussion with his personal experiences. Chowkhambha series in varanasi published this book in english. telugu translation was brought out by Telugu Academy,Hyderabad,India Rural Socialogy in India--A.R.Desai One of the earliest studies of sociology in India. the field surveys are very good . they inspire the sociology students and researchers in india.The exhaustive book was brought out by Telugu Academy,Hyderabad,India. Justice Jagan Mohan Reedy's Books: Minorities & The Constitution; In India constitution provides certain rights to Sikhs, Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities. that is why common code could not come despite the efforts of Nehru and Ambedkar. Often these minority provisions hinder human rights too.Religion has become stumbling block for the development. Justice Jagan Mohan reddi discussed these aspects A Constitution- what it is & What it means Indian constitution adopted provisions from various countries. It is big in size. But popple are not acquainted with its provisions. There are some amendments too.Justice Reddi discussed the complicated constitution in a lucid manner. We have a Republic-Can We Keep it? There are many dangers to the constitution if they are not properly understood and implement in its true spirit.Democracy is delicate and it should be preserved with understanding of human dignity, equality of rights and values. Ofter constitution is violated. Justice Reddi brought out these aspects with caution. Our Governers:Law and Society Governor`s role is important when crisis arises in state politics. they often indulge in politics and violate natural justice. Sometimes they take sides and forget constitution. Hence the need to understand the rights and responsibilities of governor under constitution. The University I Served Justice Jagan Mohan Reddi served the Osmania university after retiring as Supreme Court Judge. When Osmania University was in crisis with academic choas he came to the rescue and restored order. Some persons like G.Ram Reddi exhibited their double standards and sabotaged academic impartiality. Justice Reddi exposed Dr.Ram Reddi`s actions and brought out how he dealt with students, staff in academic administration. This was serialised in Udayam Telugu Daily(published from Hyderabad). It was not published in book form.