Translations From
Innaiah Narisetti Ph.D.
Veeramani.K. A rationalist and author of several books viz., Kanchi Sankarachariar: Saint or Sectarian? This book was originally ten lectures delivered in 1983 in response to a meeting called by the Shankaracharya of Kanchi Matt for a cultural festival. The book is not a personal attack on the Shankaracharya but on the institution, which is condemned as retrograde and oppressive. Published in 1998[1985] by Veeramani. K. The History of the Struggle for Social Justice in Tamil Nadu The third edition of an important study of the great social justice movement in Tamil Nadu by the successor to the great EVR Periyar. The first chapter describes the "Peculiar Indian Social Order". The second discusses "A Basis for Change in the Modern Age". The Non-Brahmin Manifesto of 1916 is central to the next chapter, followed a chapter centered on the Justice Party (which came to power in 1920). Periyar is studied in chapter five, key government orders restricting Brahmin rule are outlined in chapter six, and the first constitutional amendment is the subject of chapter seven. "Caste is Deep Rooted" (chap. 8) and "Fact and Fiction" (Chap. 9) conclude the main portion of the book. 22 appendixes follow, giving all official government documents related to the subject since the first communal government order of 1921; with an index.Published in 1998[1981] by Dravidar Kazhagam Publications. Periyar and Ambedkar A comparison of the lives and ideals of two great social revolutionaries of the twentieth century. With an index. Published in 1999 by Dravidar Kazhagam Publications. All the above books are available at